Fruit Comes With Language Proficiency

Why are you here? There’s no hope for our country

This is what Zahra, a local girl, told Natalia one evening. Natalia’s heart ached when she heard her say that.

That’s not true, I see hope in your country.” Natalia said, but she couldn’t make Zahra see what she could. God has not forgotten this land and your people. 

Natalia has been getting closer to Miriam, her language teacher’s mother. Miriam loves reading books so they decided to visit a library together and while they were there Natalia asked Miriam what she thought about her daughter marrying a foreigner. 

“Well, it’s my daughter’s decision, but I think it would be easier if she married another muslim.” Miriam smiled and looked back at Natalia to ask her what she preferred.

“I prefer whomever God gives me.”

 Miriam laughed, “But, how would you know if it’s from God?”

And so Natalia shared how God speaks to her, and they continued having other conversations. Through small encounters such as these Natalia has seen God moving, and she has learned that if we cry out to a land, praise the Lord and pray for people around us things start changing. God hears our prayers and works through them.

Natalia has been in Asia with Reflejo now for a year and a half. She’s been able to learn the language and is beginning to see the first fruits of spiritual conversations happen with her local friends.

Let’s continue praying for those currently investing time into language learning so that they may soon gain fluency and see the floodgates of spiritual conversations open.


8 UPGs To Pray For This Month


Part 2: How Reflejo Walks Alongside a Candidate